this is the final stand of all i am...

Welcome to this website! It's definitely under construction, but it will feature the discography of the British 80's indie band "The Smiths" with my interpretatios of the lyrics and some background info because I can't enjoy things a normal amount. Also features some far-fetched theories and weird humour at times. If this is something that interests you, stick around and find out more! I'm working on interpreting the lyrics, right now, only the first link will actually send you to a website of mine, but I update this page quite often!

For anyone wanting to learn more about The Smiths, let me link you some resources I found interesting: illnesasart.com basically compiles any Smiths-related media existing since the 80's, really. Smithscyclopedia is just a podcast with a very chill host, who sometimes has guests on, talks about the Smiths and music in general - I recommend!